Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Jan: persona, scenario, user story


Jan - Primary Persona (Active Student)

Jan, 25 TLU freshman studying the Master's Degree in Communication Management.

After concluding his bachelor's in Marketing and PR at the Estonian Business School, he took a year-long internship at an organization and decided to go back to school to enhance his knowledge. He is interested in the impact of social media on people's consuming habits, intercultural communication and interaction, PR and communicative phenomena. Jan is a frequent Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Redditt user.

-Accessibility "I am not familiar with TLU and can't always be asking around for information; I need to find my classroom in time for the lessons."

-Clarity "I might have a problem during the first days moving through the buildings and corridors. I could use a map with clear signage or color codes that help me remember where I have to go."

-Useful and durable "When I get acquainted with my building, I would still like to know where offices and other classrooms are, just in case."


First day chaos

It's almost 8am and Jan is heading towards his classroom, but is trapped in the corridors along with many other freshmen students. He is running late to his first lesson.

He takes out his cellphone and launches the Navigating TLU App. It asks him what language he wants to use. He choses Estonian and proceeds to point out his current position and where he wants to go. It indicates him several alternatives outlined in different colors. Jan takes the nearest flight of stairs and goes up two floors, takes a left turn and keeps going until he reaches his classroom just in time before the professor begins the lesson.

User story

Jan dislikes wasting time, and wants to find his way around the University's facilities as soon as possible so that he can make it on time to his classes.

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